Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Door!

Those who don't know the Technique will teach like this. Those who know the technique is called a technician and a person who knows the technique of Jeeva (life force) is called a Guru.

Do you know what 'Uvula' is? Every men and women have this. Its the shape of U and here we also call it Shiva linga. They consider this as an entrance to jeeva. Its the door towards jeeva.

All the saints/prophets have told this internal path towards jeeva.

This magical art of Yogic Breathing is known as Siddhavidhya. Siddhavidhya is the breathing technique of Meditation that can do wonders in increasing physical and psychological capability of a normal human being to supernatural levels. "Siddhavidhya " is a key to going Heaven. It is undertaken for good physical and mental health.

The word Pranayaam is derived from a combination of the following Sanskrit words: 'praana' meaning - 'life force', and 'ayama' meaning 'expansion'. It is a technique that helps you , the correct way of Siddhavidhya!

*jeeva='life force' (soul)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Caste And Religion

Don't look for the caste. If you look, you will know that all men have only one caste. Its the behavior and the quality makes the division. So everyone can learn to behave well and accordingly live well.

If you take religion, each and every person in this world is having his own religion. The number of religion is equal to the number of human beings living in this planet. The way a person thinks and his opinions is called religion. Every one in this world have his own way of thinking and have his own way of expressing things, each person is unique. This way there is no point on looking for it. Let knowing and experiencing the God be the only religion. Because when you realize God, you don't have any opinions.

For example let us assume that a person named 'Cashew nut' started spreading his religion, then his religion will become 'Cashew nut religion' and those following him will be called 'Cashew nut followers'. They will be called in that name....

Non of the people u call as prophets didn't blindly followed somebody's religion, they dropped the religion and they realized themselves. They tried to clear the bad things from the society and gave what is needed for that society. It is for that society. Its foolish to continue that. If we continue we are taking back to that old age which is full of uncultured people. The religious fanatics and terrorism what we are seeing is the bye product of that uncultured society. So drop the other peoples religion and be free.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

What is wisdom?

  • when you are wise you will know that truth is one (advaita). This is an experience. This is wisdom.
  • when you are wise you will know that there is no difference between you and me.
  • when you are wise you will know that you are not the body. Because when you were born, your body was very small and now its grown up. If 20kg is lost from the body, you won't say that 20kg of you have lost, or 15% of you have gone into the septic tank. You remain as you are even you gain or loss weight
  • when you are wise you will know that self knowledge is the highest.
  • when you are wise you will know that you are the only person who can raise yourself to the higher or can push down to the lower
  • when you are wise you will know that you are the only person responsible for each action you perform
  • when you are wise you will know that what ever happening now is because of your past actions and you can control your future by altering the actions you perform now. Whatever actions you perform now, will decide your future.
  • when you are wise you will know that joy and suffering is part of the life and its because of the attachment.
  • when you are wise you will know how to control the mind, you can easily bring back the mind which goes out through the sense organs and fix it within your consciouness
  • when you are wise you will know that you are the conscious (aham brahmasmi)
  • when you are wise you will know that the same conscious that is within you exists in all the living and non living being. (tatwamasi)
  • when you are wise you will know that the even the particles within an atom have the conscious to spin around the nucleus with a specific speed. (Ishavaasyam idam sarvam... God resides in everything).
  • when you are wise you will know that, this same conscious is god (Prajhanam Brahmam)
  • when you are wise you know that by controlling the prana (energy), you can quickly know yourself (consciousness). And that's the quickest and the safest method "

Meditation (Pranayamam or Breathing Technique)

" Without knowing this and misunderstanding the meaning of the word
'Pranayama', peoples practice it in so many ways.

Some close one nostril and breath in air forcibly
upward through the other one, restrain it, stir the brain, cause madness,
consumption and other nervous complications and die out..."
Read Siddhavedam to find more about Pranayama.....

Thanks GOD