Do you know what 'Uvula' is? Every men and women have this. Its the shape of U and here we also call it Shiva linga. They consider this as an entrance to jeeva. Its the door towards jeeva.
All the saints/prophets have told this internal path towards jeeva.
This magical art of Yogic Breathing is known as Siddhavidhya. Siddhavidhya is the breathing technique of Meditation that can do wonders in increasing physical and psychological capability of a normal human being to supernatural levels. "Siddhavidhya " is a key to going Heaven. It is undertaken for good physical and mental health.
The word Pranayaam is derived from a combination of the following Sanskrit words: 'praana' meaning - 'life force', and 'ayama' meaning 'expansion'. It is a technique that helps you , the correct way of Siddhavidhya!
*jeeva='life force' (soul)