Not at all.Because Energy is lost when we do Padanamaskhar.Our Energy flows in to the person whose feet we touch.And his Energy flows into us.This will create Karmic bond/effects.Vasanas( Inclinations) will result.One cannot see the vibrations but experience will reveal this.Hence avoid this Padanamaskhar.You can join palms and salute.Touching the feet of another will drain your energy. And to get back this energy,even prayer of 41 days will not suffice. It is a can touch or grasp anything with total faith in God.But it should never be to test God..Gods wonderful powers are unimaginable.
What is Feet?
This is not what we have so far learnt or understood. But we have to salute by touching or holding the Feet.That Feet is actually Nose..there lies the two feet of Ida and Pingala. If these do not walk,is there Life or the World for one? The Life or the World depends on these feet.This is not a new theory. Ones Father and Mother are actually these Feet..these are divine secrets,understood and revealed by self realised souls
What is Feet?
This is not what we have so far learnt or understood. But we have to salute by touching or holding the Feet.That Feet is actually Nose..there lies the two feet of Ida and Pingala. If these do not walk,is there Life or the World for one? The Life or the World depends on these feet.This is not a new theory. Ones Father and Mother are actually these Feet..these are divine secrets,understood and revealed by self realised souls