Let us take the word "Idol" with a slightly different spelling " Idoll ". Now we can divide this word in to two parts: " I " + " Doll " . Here, " I " is the cosmic power or Brahmachaithanyam (self soul) and " doll " is the material object in which this divine power is consecrated. That means, when a lifeless object is energized with the divine power, it becomes auspicious and divine and that is how a mere idol made out of mud, wood, metal or a combination of two or more metals, becomes divine idol.
The same divine, cosmic, unseen power exists between our two eyebrows. When we try to consecrate the life-force orJeevaatma Chaithanyam* that gives life to our gross body, on that spot between the eyebrows, the Jeevaatma Chaithanyam* gets connected to the brahma chaithanyam or paramaathma chaithanyam. Eventually it merges with paramaathma chaithanyam and this is the secret and most auspicious vidya called Siddhavidhya.
Meaning of Jeevaatma Chaithanya = Output of Siddhavidhya
Meaning of Jeevaatma Chaithanya = Output of Siddhavidhya