Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Who is the real fool ?

Each and every person thinks that his religion is the true one and rest all are fools.... if this is so then actually who is the real fool..... Non other than who thinks rest are all fools.
Satsangatve nissangatvam
Nissangatve nirmohatvam
Nirmohatve nishchalatattvam
Nishchalatattve jeevanmukti

either in yoga or in bhoga, either in discipline or in pleasure, somehow make it. It doesn’t matter how; the important thing is you get there....

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Is our 'real self' unreal ?

We can consider this world as real or unreal. But is our 'real self' unreal ?  Its foolish to tell that i don't exist. How can a person tell that he don't exist ? Who is making you to think, to eat, to read ? Even cleaning up your ass? Its you and not somebody else. So in this changing world or unreal world,  only the self is ultimate truth. That's why all the self realized persons says that they are the God (Aham Brahmasni) and you are that too (Tatwamasi)*. So truth is within and we are that, searching it in books, place, religion, caste, colour, sex, creed, won't help.