Thursday, March 10, 2011

Who is a real Guru? Who will helps us?

Answer is very simple. Our mind is our Guru. Our 'Self' helps us. This means 'Self' is God. God only helps us. All the scriptures also tells us "Know your self'.

If somebody come and hit us, we will feel the pain not any other human Guru, he can't help us for that.

Its only the fakes who will say that I am a Guru. They are good for a fashion show. We waste our precious time by washing their body and falling on their feet. Your parents also wasted their life like this. You also don't follow their path. You are responsible for your actions and not somebody else. For whom you are afraid of?

Fear is the cause of all your problems. Drop your fear and come to God. God is your self, its within you. Just to reach there you need the help of your Guru, that is your mind. Your Guru is your mind. Because mind can't become one with your self. only self can merge with the self. Thats the happiness, thats the heaven, that's moksha, self realization. Know your self, know God. Tatwamasi. (You are God).

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


By Brahmasri Peruvemba RAMASAMY 
Siddha Vidya was introduced for the first time by His Holiness Swamiji Sivananda Paramahamsa, the divine preceptor of preceptors. He is a native of North Malabar. This Vidya by itself is nothing new and Swamiji vouches that it had been practiced by our old forefathers while doing tapas in the forests and mountains of our blessed Motherland. By the passing away of those divine Rishis and Munis of old the Vidya had perhaps been gradually forgotten or mispractised in some form or other. The blessed Guru, Swamiji Sivananda Paramahamsa, the Founder of Siddha samaj, who discovered the shortest and easiest way to self-realization, Kaivalya, Nirvikalpa Samadhi or moksha, has traveled all through India from Cape Comorin to Afghanistan, through forests and mountains, where, even at the present day, Rishis and Munis and other sadhus still do tapas. He has by constant practice experienced himself what all has been said in his philosophical book called “SIDDHA VEDAM”.

As the old saying goes, the more we advance towards Self-realization the less selfish we become. Having himself enjoyed the Supreme Bliss through his own efforts, our Swamiji wanted to promote and benefit the worldly people. Through his teachings he shows to the public where the Lords of Lords “DAKSHINA MURTHY” have his place of abode in us and also the easiest way to have a Darsan (Vision) of Him.

He makes no distinction of sex, caste or creed for his teachings to be followed and in order that the world may take advantage of his teachings and instructions he wrote a book called “SIDDHA VEDAM” in the year 1922 naming his vedam as the 5th vedam of the universe.

Swamiji established 5 asramams in South India, Four Kerala (Badagara, Kayanna, Iyyoor and Mannurkara in Trivandrum) and one in Tamilnadu (Athur, Salem Dist).
The Swamiji has a large number of followers who are scattered here and there throughout the whole of India, may even out of India. These followers are not eager to bring the general public within their fold; but to such of those who have full confidence in the above vidya and if they think that they would be disciples are quite sincere and worthy enough, the divine vidya is then unfolded to them. Until such time as those anxious volunteer themselves, the followers of the Swamiji are not eager to add to their number. They are not for a moment eager for any preceptor ship for themselves, because in their own vedam it is said that there is no such thing as preceptorship. Preceptorship, in this thesis, only aids one to gain an easy idea over this psychic theory and therefore exists only in name. It should be clearly understood that one’s own mind or rather conscience is considered as the real Guru. So far for the introduction, Now coming to the subject, the followings are in a utshell a few features of the blessed vedam.

“I” submerged in “Brahman”:

By the word Brahman we have to acknowledge some thing unknowable and unperceivable “(like a barren woman’s child)”. People of different sects and creeds fight against one another for the scriptures and their deities’ i.e. God, khoda, Brahma, Hari and Hara and so on and so forth. But the whole of mankind may even the beasts and birds do not doubt about the existence of self and feel “I exist”. If there be any disputant to deny his existence by declaring “I do not exist”, his own conception of negation and the term he uses to prove that negation clearly establish the existence of his self. If there is any undoubted and undisputed truth common to all living entities in this Universe, which does not require any proof to demonstration, it is the conception “I exist” which innate in all.

“God” in us: The existence of “GOD” is a universally acknowledged fact. He is everywhere; but he has neither name nor form. Because He is present everywhere, He is in us too.

Just as a corpse cannot either see, hear, or know anything due to the absence of a Divine Power in it, in the same way we will not be conscious of anything unless we have the same divine power present in us. Even the present state of affairs we won’t have. It is because of the Divine Power in us that we are able to see, hear and know things. And as such, we ought to realize that it is the Divine Power otherwise God in us who is conscious of each and everything. Thus “I” the self is the God in all of us. (“I” means the little self, the ego. But “I” denotes the absolute self, the state of selfless)

Now a question arises. Where is this God or Divine Power in us? He rests in the center between the two eyebrows where our three important veins viz Ida, Pingala and Sushumna have their meeting place.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Way to self realization (moksha)

By doing Siddha Vidhya (Pranayama), the same moment of Prana that happens naturally during sleep can be achieved while we are awake. Pranayama is not kids play. Its the only way to self realization (moksha) 

-- Jagad Guru Swamy Sri Shivananda Parama Hamsar.