Answer is very simple. Our mind is our Guru. Our 'Self' helps us. This means 'Self' is God. God only helps us. All the scriptures also tells us "Know your self'.
If somebody come and hit us, we will feel the pain not any other human Guru, he can't help us for that.
Its only the fakes who will say that I am a Guru. They are good for a fashion show. We waste our precious time by washing their body and falling on their feet. Your parents also wasted their life like this. You also don't follow their path. You are responsible for your actions and not somebody else. For whom you are afraid of?
Fear is the cause of all your problems. Drop your fear and come to God. God is your self, its within you. Just to reach there you need the help of your Guru, that is your mind. Your Guru is your mind. Because mind can't become one with your self. only self can merge with the self. Thats the happiness, thats the heaven, that's moksha, self realization. Know your self, know God. Tatwamasi. (You are God).
If somebody come and hit us, we will feel the pain not any other human Guru, he can't help us for that.
Its only the fakes who will say that I am a Guru. They are good for a fashion show. We waste our precious time by washing their body and falling on their feet. Your parents also wasted their life like this. You also don't follow their path. You are responsible for your actions and not somebody else. For whom you are afraid of?
Fear is the cause of all your problems. Drop your fear and come to God. God is your self, its within you. Just to reach there you need the help of your Guru, that is your mind. Your Guru is your mind. Because mind can't become one with your self. only self can merge with the self. Thats the happiness, thats the heaven, that's moksha, self realization. Know your self, know God. Tatwamasi. (You are God).