Friday, October 14, 2011

The meaning of idol (IDOLL)

Let us take the word "Idol" with a slightly different spelling " Idoll ". Now we can divide this word in to two parts: " I " + " Doll " . Here, " I " is the cosmic power or Brahmachaithanyam (self soul)  and " doll " is the material object in which this divine power is consecrated. That means, when a lifeless object is energized with the divine power, it becomes auspicious and divine and that is how a mere idol made out of mud, wood, metal or a combination of two or more metals, becomes divine idol. 

The same divine, cosmic, unseen power exists between our two eyebrows. When we try to consecrate the life-force orJeevaatma Chaithanyam* that gives life to our gross body, on that spot between the eyebrows, the Jeevaatma Chaithanyam* gets connected to the brahma chaithanyam or paramaathma chaithanyam. Eventually it merges with paramaathma chaithanyam and this is the secret and most auspicious vidya called Siddhavidhya.
Meaning of  Jeevaatma Chaithanya = Output of Siddhavidhya 

Friday, October 7, 2011

What is God or Who is God ?

Dear fellow beings and seekers of truth,

Let us explore the meaning of God or who is God. Only
because "we" are existing, world around us is existing. If we
leave the body, the world around is no more real. So our
identification with the body, create this world. For the same
reason, great souls of the past say that this world we see is
not real and it is Maayaalokam. Let us understand the truth
by the above reasoning.

Who created this world from the so called "void"? Are you
still not convinced? It is definitely created by us. If you say,
"I did not create it, but a divine being created this world",
then the divine beings will say "I created this world". So if
you refer to any scripture, you can see that all divine
personalities will say "I did it" "I did it". They cling
vehemently to the concept of Adhvaitam that is "only one
entity". This world is my own reflection. With out this
conviction, belief in God is impossible.

What is God or Who is God? British people called the Father
of the Universe by the word GOD. From nothing he
Generates (srushti), this world. So the first letter "G"
becomes acceptable.

The movement came from life. That life or Life force (Jeeva /
Wind) is God. The same Wind becomes Mind and the Mind
controls everything. So this Mind (and in turn God) Organizes
(sthithi) the world and maintains it. Thus the second letter
"O" also becomes acceptable.

The Jeevan starts it’s journey like the flow of a river. It
flows (GO) and flows and it ceases to exist.

The energy behind the flow is "E" and this "E" is emotion and
when this E comes before the flow or GO, it becomes EGO.
This Ego flows, and finally it is destroyed. This portion of life
is called "Degeneration".

If one is able to resist the flow by controlling the energy
behind it, then he becomes a Siddha (sage)  or a perfect
master. The process of controlling this energy is called as
Siddha Vidhya (also called as Brahma Vidhya in olden days)

One who protects the sound "GO" or one who learns to
protect the sound "GO", becomes GOD.

Jeeva "Degenerates" and misunderstands that the world is
real. One who forgets to remember "I am Brahamam, or I am
part of the Paramaathma chaithanya degenerates himself to
the low level of pure materialism. So God Himself causes the
Degeneration and the last letter  "D" also becomes
acceptable to us.

Because Ego causes the confusion, nobody respects Ego.
Even the Indians do not respect Ego. Brahman (Brahmavu )
is the ego creator. We do not usually worship Brahma Devan.
We worship, Lord Vishnu, who is our mind, and Lord Shiva. 
According to the scriptures, Brahman  was born from the
navel of Maha Vishnu, who represents the mind. Without
mind, there is no universe. That is the secret.

Great souls advised us to identify this "I" as the "Universal I"
and not as the body. Lord Buddha said" "I am my own God"
or in other words "God is with in us".

Lord Christ also said: "I am the path, I am the truth and I am
the Jeevan. Only through me everybody reaches God, the
father of all. I reinforce this truth because I am the
chaithanyam or Jeevan in everybody"

Lord  Krishna also says that body is the temple of God.

Prophet Muhammad Nabi says: " If you know the one within
you, you know God "

The above saints share with us the ideas of making the body
as a living temple.

But we refuse to learn about these truths. Instead we stick
on to things like "my religion, my caste, my position, my son
is perfect, your son is bad" etc etc. With these impure
thoughts we live and die. If we had the knowledge of
identifying the the "I" with God, these misunderstandings
could have been avoided.

Our ancestors knew this truth and we should strive to follow
them. This is the secret of God. Soul is within one self and
that soul is the Lord. Learn this from knowledgeable people
and believe in the power of God within us.

The present state of religion is like muddy water and people
who fish in that muddy water are the present leaders of

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Surrender to God

Surrender to God also includes, respecting Gods activities, his  creations, his work. If we don't respect all the beings created in this world by God, its like disrespecting the God himself. If you believe God, you also should believe his activities. Those who surrender to God can never hate, destroy or kill other beings as its God's creation.  God is the father, mother and creator of all beings.  God is not just for a particular class of people or animals, sect, colour or sex. 

Instead of calling God as compassionate, be yourself compassionate. God is ever compassionate, he was, for many millions before you were born, even if you don't call him, he is.  So be yourself compassionate than just calling God compassionate.

The Cows !

Man's heart away from nature becomes hard
How can we evaluate the auspiciousness of a cow, the representation of a loving mother? She is Lakshmi. Rishis have showered their blessings on her. She is as auspicious as a female child of the house. Pancha Gavyam* made from her milk, curd, ghee, urine and excreta in a certain combination is very auspicious.  But humans mercilessly kill these innocent animals. When Nature is constantly praying for him, he is messing up with the same Nature's best ever Natural gift. How cruel and uncultured is man?      

Can we remember the great prophet Nabi's words? " When one lives a righteous life, all his fellow beings (beings in land as well as in water) pray for his spiritual advancement". So we are killing those innocent animals who pray for our progress. What did Christ say? "Abstain from intoxicating drinks and meat-eating and please do not do any harm to your fellow humans."  Christ continues: " Instead of sacrificing innocent animals, shower kindness to fellow human beings". If one understands the real meaning of the above words, one will not kill these innocent animals. (Mathew 12/6-7 line). So do not fool me by claiming that you have done a big animal sacrifice. Please read those words with extra care. These prophets came not to promote animal sacrifice, but told us to sacrifice one self for the benefit of others. These sacrifices are known as "self-sacrifice" or Aathmabali or another synonym is "penance" or Tapas. One has to meditate on the words of great souls to understand and internalize the real truth.

Let us talk about Hindus. Some Hindus misunderstood the Sanskrit word "maamsam" (मांस) for meat and decided that they should eat maamsam (मांस) or meat. The word Maamsam can be spilt as maam+ sam. Maam in Sanskrit means "mine" and sam means "good or well". They took the meaning as "I should eat well". But actually this Maamsam is Kundalini Power. It is Brahmam itself. It is the primordial sound Aum itself. That is why Bible said," first words or sounds were born and those sounds were in the form of Maamsam". So the word maamsam happened to appear in some contexts. If you had listened to the words of great sages, this confusion would never have happened and their wise words would have erased the misunderstanding completely. Also now we see a complete mix up of all religions and their doctrines. The only way to spiritually advance is by first changing ourselves and then try changing others. This is my humble request. 

 * Panchagavyam is a very powerful Aayurvedic medicine.