Monday, March 16, 2015

Carelessness only shows what we don't value

This is what happens in our life.

We are careful with things which we value most.

* If we value our health, we will be careful about what and how we eat; * if we value our friends, we will treat them with respect; * if we value money, we will be careful while spending; * if we value our time, we will not waste it. *if we value relationship we will not break it. Carefulness is a basic trait all of us have,we know when to be careful! Carelessness only shows what we don't value...... Have a wonderful n careful life...👌👌👌🌹🌼🌺💥💥

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

When BHAKTI enters....

How true is this.................... When BHAKTI enters FOOD, FOOD becomes PRASAD, When BHAKTI enters HUNGER, HUNGER becomes a FAST, When BHAKTI enters WATER, WATER becomes CHARANAMRIT, When BHAKTI enters TRAVEL, TRAVEL becomes a PILGRIMAGE, When BHAKTI enters MUSIC, MUSIC becomes KIRTAN, When BHAKTI enters a HOUSE, HOUSE becomes a TEMPLE, When BHAKTI enters ACTIONS, ACTIONS become SERVICES, When BHAKTI enters in WORK, WORK becomes KARMA,
AND When BHAKTI enters a MAN, MAN becomes HUMAN.